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A Parade of Dream Animals: I Remember.

Writer: snowriverssnowrivers

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

​12/15/22. I began remembering and recording my dreams in 2008. Dream animals visited occasionally at he beginning, but when I left veterinary medicine in in 2017, and less animals graced my waking life, they poured into my dreams.

As a practice of gratitude for the ones that came to visit, tonight, I remember: dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, goats, a ferret, an ermine, mouse, hamsters, gerbils, squirrels, ants, flies, bees, and ticks; a tiny spider hanging from my hand on a thin silver thread; hugging a tiger with claws that curled upward like a jester’s shoes;

a bald eagle laying in the grass soaked by a sprinkler; fat and fluffy African wild dogs; a rhinoceros stampeding in circles, hippopotamuses by a river; a leopard passed around a campfire; an elephant in the house asking, "Do you want pizza?"

I met dream animals I'ver never seen anywhere else: a crosti – a flying squirrel with a quail’s curled feather on its head—; a crab/spider with feathers, a unicorn crossed with a woolly mammoth; a man taking care of a blue dog underground.

I remember a baby buffalo with an arrow in its side; a swimming pool full of Siberian tigers; a lizard that turns into a turtle, gorillas in a zoo; bears, snakes, pods of orca, penguins, an enclosure full of ostriches, a pelican, a raven, hawks, a pheasant shot with an arrow; a seal chasing a ball underwater. I remember salmon climbing out of the river and walking across a sand bar;

opening a door in a casino and discovering a circle of chickens dressed in colorful feather costumes and waiting for a ceremony to begin; owls flying through the forest with moon snails on their wings; an osprey and I flying over a train while staring at each other; studying bats and finding a sick one on the ground; a beautiful black and yellow oriole in a birch tree.

I remember three ducks flying west, a solitary swan sitting on a pond; glass dolphins and cranes; a tornado of giraffe around one tall tree; a male lion shot by a ranger; a zebra walking onto a plain bathed in moonlight; a man carrying a kangaroo up the stairs; vervet monkeys squabbling on the roof. There was once a donkey on the rim of the grand canyon wearing a sombrero; a crocodile chasing me. I remember stepping on turtles I mistook for stones in the river, and passing hundreds of frogs buried in mud up to their eyeballs.

I rememberI swallowing a fly, a moth, and a caterpillar on a string; a small white kitten biting my left big toe; a man freeing an entangled humpback whale mother and calf.

There was a night when I carried a wooden bowl full of white worms to an orchard, and another when I listened to wolves howl I found two coyotes in a tree with a calf and I constructed a coyote drop between two houses.

I remember a sea turtle swimming away from a gigantic prehistoric fish and a porpoise family jumping into my boat; a man who becomes a raven who becomes a coyote who becomes two greyhounds. I also remember the injured ones: smashed heads, broken bones. gunshot wounds, abscesses, liver shunts, cancer, sarcoids, and leprosy. I remember spending hours in surgery, administering blood transfusions, examining radiographs, and cleaning wounds. Someone passed me a bowl full of cat paws; I witnessed burned African animals, including Wildebeest, on the velt; and watched an injured orca lifted out of the ocean by a helicopter.

Having them all together like this, their number and variety stun me. So many animals! Oh, my compassion for the injured and afraid ones, and my gratitude for their visits.



Jan 30, 2023

Animals, animals, animals all coming to thank you for tending so caringly for others of their kind. Conrad

Jan 31, 2023
Replying to

What a lovely way to say it. Yes. It feels like that. Thank you.


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